Health & Wellness Blog with John Mossotti

Members Conditioning Day

March 8th, 2020|Comments Off on Members Conditioning Day

Want to know what our member's conditioning day looks like? Watch this video.

Members Strength Day

March 7th, 2020|Comments Off on Members Strength Day

Want to know what our member's strength day looks like? Watch this video.

Split Squats

March 6th, 2020|Comments Off on Split Squats

Watch this video to learn some of Coach John's favorite landmine variations.

Landmine Variations

March 5th, 2020|Comments Off on Landmine Variations

Watch this video to learn some of Coach John's favorite landmine variations.

Squat Pairings

March 4th, 2020|Comments Off on Squat Pairings

Watch this video to see what we like to pair our squats with and how you can program these into your workouts.


March 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on SA TRX Row

Want to challenge yourself on TRX rows? Watch this movement.

KB DL High Pull to Squat

March 2nd, 2020|Comments Off on KB DL High Pull to Squat

Watch this video to learn our newest movement in our conditioning classes- the kettle bell deadlift into a high pull and squat!

Hollow Hold Band Pull Aparts

March 1st, 2020|Comments Off on Hollow Hold Band Pull Aparts

Watch this video to learn a 2 in 1 movement- hollow hold band pull aparts!

Core Variations

February 29th, 2020|Comments Off on Core Variations

Watch this video to learn challenging core variations.

How to Increase Speed

February 28th, 2020|Comments Off on How to Increase Speed

Want to increase your speed? Watch this video to learn how.

How We Control Our Clients’ Results

February 26th, 2020|Comments Off on How We Control Our Clients’ Results

Want to know how we control our clients' results? Watch this video.

Building Momentum

February 24th, 2020|Comments Off on Building Momentum

Motivation is your downfall... What you need is momentum!

Food Quality and Quality Calories

February 22nd, 2020|Comments Off on Food Quality and Quality Calories

Watch this video to learn the importance of food quality and quality calories.

Staying Consistent After the Challenge

February 21st, 2020|Comments Off on Staying Consistent After the Challenge

Watch this video to see what you should be doing after completing a fitness challenge.

The Reason You Aren’t Losing Weight

February 18th, 2020|Comments Off on The Reason You Aren’t Losing Weight

Watch this video to learn more about the reason why you are not losing weight.

Who Our Program Is For

February 17th, 2020|Comments Off on Who Our Program Is For

Watch this video to learn more about our service and who it is made for.

Chin-up Variations

February 15th, 2020|Comments Off on Chin-up Variations

Watch this video to see our different chin-up variations!

Belt Squat

February 12th, 2020|Comments Off on Belt Squat

Watch this video to learn more about our newest piece of equipment- the Belt Squat!

How To Get What You Want

February 10th, 2020|Comments Off on How To Get What You Want

What do you want? Watch this video to learn how to get it.

Finishers Aren’t Physical

February 9th, 2020|Comments Off on Finishers Aren’t Physical

Watch this video and learn how use our finishers to challenge our members.

2 for 1: Single Arm DB Bench Press

February 8th, 2020|Comments Off on 2 for 1: Single Arm DB Bench Press

Watch this video to learn how to do a single arm dumbbell bench press.

Get Started When You Decide

February 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on Get Started When You Decide

Want to know when you should start? Watch this video.

Your Day Starts The Night Before

February 2nd, 2020|Comments Off on Your Day Starts The Night Before

Watch this video to see how we can effectively start our day the night before!

Everyone Needs A Coach!

February 1st, 2020|Comments Off on Everyone Needs A Coach!

Watch this video on how a coach can help us achieve success.

Results In Advance Program

January 31st, 2020|Comments Off on Results In Advance Program

Wondering how our facility works? Watch this video to learn about the Results in Advance Program.

How to Properly Perform a Box Jump

January 28th, 2020|Comments Off on How to Properly Perform a Box Jump

Watch this video to learn how to properly perform a box jump.

Our Favorite “Animal Movements”

January 27th, 2020|Comments Off on Our Favorite “Animal Movements”

Watch this video to learn how to perform different "animal movements".

Proper Head Position

January 23rd, 2020|Comments Off on Proper Head Position

Watch this video to learn how to maintain proper head position when lifting.

Shin Splints

January 22nd, 2020|Comments Off on Shin Splints

Watch this video to learn how to treat shin splints.

Knees and Squatting

January 20th, 2020|Comments Off on Knees and Squatting

Watch this video to learn how to squat correctly to make it safe for your knees.

How to do a Kettlebell Swing

January 19th, 2020|Comments Off on How to do a Kettlebell Swing

Watch this video to learn how to properly perform a kettlebell swing.

Why You Should Add Salt to Your Diet

January 18th, 2020|Comments Off on Why You Should Add Salt to Your Diet

Want to know why salt is needed in our diet when training? Watch this video.

“I Don’t Want to Get Big and Bulky”

January 16th, 2020|Comments Off on “I Don’t Want to Get Big and Bulky”

Coach John breaks down what comes into play when strength training and gaining muscle mass.

How to Deal With Muscle Soreness

January 15th, 2020|Comments Off on How to Deal With Muscle Soreness

Watch this video to learn a few different ways we help with muscle soreness.

Yogurt, Fruit, Granola

January 13th, 2020|Comments Off on Yogurt, Fruit, Granola

Watch this video to learn to make the greatest lunch you will ever have.

Walk Like An Alligator

January 12th, 2020|Comments Off on Walk Like An Alligator

Here's some of our baseball athletes performing the Alligator Walk, making it look much easier than it actually is.

Banded Bully Punch

January 11th, 2020|Comments Off on Banded Bully Punch

Want a quick easy stretch that will help open up your chest and get your shoulders back improving your posture and mobility? Here it is.

Best Strength Tool for Your Core

January 10th, 2020|Comments Off on Best Strength Tool for Your Core

Here is a really great tool we use to build our core strength. It's inexpensive andit does the job.

How To Increase and Gain Grip Strength

January 8th, 2020|Comments Off on How To Increase and Gain Grip Strength

Easily overlooked when training is our grip strength. The following video shows some simple ways we can increase and gain grip strength. 

Happiness Is Doing The Hard Stuff

January 6th, 2020|Comments Off on Happiness Is Doing The Hard Stuff

"I'll be happy when..." But wait. There's a better way to approach happiness.

How To Decrease Your 40-yard Dash Time

January 5th, 2020|Comments Off on How To Decrease Your 40-yard Dash Time

Check out this video for to see how we can help athletes decrease their 40 yard dash time, stride length.

Quick Total Body Warm-up

January 4th, 2020|Comments Off on Quick Total Body Warm-up

Here is a quick warmup which you can do anywhere!

Back-friendly Lower Body Exercises

January 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on Back-friendly Lower Body Exercises

In this video we're showing you some lower body exercises that are friendly on your lower back.

Strength Movements to Increase Vertical Jump

December 29th, 2019|Comments Off on Strength Movements to Increase Vertical Jump

Check out the following video which shows exercises proven to increase your strength and improve your vertical jump.

Get Better at Doing Push-ups

December 26th, 2019|Comments Off on Get Better at Doing Push-ups

Push-ups are not easy because they require a lot of core strength, as well as upper body strength. We use different tools to help you get better at doing push-ups.

Step Ups The Right Way

December 22nd, 2019|Comments Off on Step Ups The Right Way

We include step-ups in our monthly programs. This video shows how to do them correctly.

How to Increase Ankle Mobility

December 21st, 2019|Comments Off on How to Increase Ankle Mobility

Ankle mobility is super important because it adds stability to the joint which is our body's base. This video shows a couple of stretches and ways to increase and measure your ankle mobility. 

Why We Use the Slingshot

December 19th, 2019|Comments Off on Why We Use the Slingshot

Another great piece of equipment we use is what we call the “Slingshot”. Check out this video to see how we use it.

It’s Not All Or Nothing..It’s Always Something

December 17th, 2019|Comments Off on It’s Not All Or Nothing..It’s Always Something

Are you the type of person who is all in? Or all out? Watch this video and see why it's always something.

How We Do Warm-ups

December 16th, 2019|Comments Off on How We Do Warm-ups

In this video owner John gives a simple exercise for each step in our warm-up process to give you an idea of how you can structure your own warm-up.

How To Use The Theragun

December 14th, 2019|Comments Off on How To Use The Theragun

After using the Theragun you'll feel like you've just had a massage! Check out this video to see how we incorporate it into our routine.

Single Leg Variations

December 13th, 2019|Comments Off on Single Leg Variations

In this video we show you the leg variations we use here at Elite Personal Fitness.

How To Get Better At Chin-ups

December 12th, 2019|Comments Off on How To Get Better At Chin-ups

In this video we show you how you can improve your chin-up or help you get your first chin-up. 

How To Pick Your Weights

December 10th, 2019|Comments Off on How To Pick Your Weights

One big issue that many of our members encounter is what weight to choose when doing an exercise. As John details in the video, we use 3 methods for helping select the best weight.

30-day Results In Advance Program

December 9th, 2019|Comments Off on 30-day Results In Advance Program

Our 30-day results in advance program gives you full access to our programs including nutrition coaching, personalized training program, 6 days a week training based on your preference, on a trial basis with no obligation to join beyond 30 days.

  • leg bands

Hamstring Closed Chain Lockouts with Distraction

December 7th, 2019|Comments Off on Hamstring Closed Chain Lockouts with Distraction

The hamstring closed chain lockouts with distraction is an awesome hamstring mobility exercise. The name may sound complicated, but the exercise is very simple.

Elite Personal Training Program Preview

December 6th, 2019|Comments Off on Elite Personal Training Program Preview

Everyone at Elite Personal Fitness receives their own program and the following video will preview a row of their program.

Why The Sled Is So Effective

December 5th, 2019|Comments Off on Why The Sled Is So Effective

The sled is one of the best pieces of equipment because of how versitile they are: you can drag it, push it, attach cables to it - the options are endless.

Proper Technique For Step-ups

December 3rd, 2019|Comments Off on Proper Technique For Step-ups

We're talking about stepups!  It's easy to get relaxed with this movement, so we want to make you know the proper technique with this video.

Do More To Be More

December 3rd, 2019|Comments Off on Do More To Be More

In this video we talk about doing More! Whatever your goal is, make that goal something more. You will realize that it will help you get to your goal even faster.

  • athlete coaching

Explaining Our Athletic Performance Program

December 2nd, 2019|Comments Off on Explaining Our Athletic Performance Program

One of our premier programs at Elite is our young athlete coaching. We coach athletes at the middle school, high school, collegiate and professional levels. Our Athlete program has a core focus on strength training.

  • rolling out bottom of foot

Rolling Out the Bottom of Your Feet

November 30th, 2019|Comments Off on Rolling Out the Bottom of Your Feet

Taking care of your feet puts you in position to take care of the rest of your body. Rolling out the bottom of your feet helps tremendously. Here's how to do it.

  • rotational power in sports

Rotational Power in Sports

November 30th, 2019|Comments Off on Rotational Power in Sports

Rotational power and strength are extremely important for performance in all sports. Watch this series of exercises to build rotational power and strength.

  • head position

How Head Position Dictates Everything

November 29th, 2019|Comments Off on How Head Position Dictates Everything

Our head position in exercise can be difficult to control but it's crucial for avoiding injury. Check out this video to hear John explain this and techniques to maintain head position.

  • Tiger stretch

How to Properly Do a Tiger Stretch

November 28th, 2019|Comments Off on How to Properly Do a Tiger Stretch

Check out this video for how we teach the Tiger stretch. It's a great stretch for warm-ups and also to throw in between other parts of your workout to make them even more effective.

  • delaying gratification

Delaying Gratification

November 26th, 2019|Comments Off on Delaying Gratification

It's easy to fall back after we reach a fitness goal. But by delaying that gratification a little longer, you can reach a level of success that you did not think was possible. Learn more in this video.

  • nutrition support

Nutrition Support Included

November 25th, 2019|Comments Off on Nutrition Support Included

As a member of Elite Personal Fitness we strive to give you more. One way we do that is by including nutritional support with everyone’s membership. Whether you are in our athletes program, personal training or group training program, nutritional support is available to all members at no extra charge.

  • shoulder health

Movements to Keep Your Shoulders Healthy

November 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on Movements to Keep Your Shoulders Healthy

At Elite we have a significant focus on keeping our members shoulders strong and mobile, using exercises like these.

  • back injury

Coming Back From Back Injury

November 21st, 2019|Comments Off on Coming Back From Back Injury

If you've had a back injury, this video shows you movements you can do to help you come back from your back injury.

  • food quality matters

Why Food Quality Matters

November 20th, 2019|Comments Off on Why Food Quality Matters

We must focus on our caloric intake, but the quality of the foods we eat determines how we feel! Check out our video to learn why food quality matters!

  • create momentum

Create Momentum

November 19th, 2019|Comments Off on Create Momentum

Motivation is your downfall because we feel we need it in order to make a change. Making the change in your life that you know you need isn't because of your lack of motivation. What you need is Momentum. Here's how to get it.

  • strength program

How We Create Our Strength Program

November 18th, 2019|Comments Off on How We Create Our Strength Program

Our process for creating our strength programs is methodical. Here's an inside look on how and why we create our strength programs.

Is Cholesterol Unhealthy?

September 5th, 2019|Comments Off on Is Cholesterol Unhealthy?

Is Cholesterol Unhealthy? The answer will surprise you! Red meat,

Coffee with John [Episode 23]

August 5th, 2019|Comments Off on Coffee with John [Episode 23]

Our Personal Group Fitness program includes a personalized plan for each member, each and every month. Learn why we do this in this episode of Coffee with John.

How to Make the Perfect Instapot Monster Mash

August 2nd, 2019|Comments Off on How to Make the Perfect Instapot Monster Mash

This Monster Mash recipe is an easy way to meal prep so you can stay on track with your diet any time of day.

The History of the Elite Arm Band Club

July 11th, 2019|Comments Off on The History of the Elite Arm Band Club

We created the Elite Band Club to show and remind and encourage our members about how much time and dedication they have put into themselves towards achieving their goals.

  • vitamin D3

Why Vitamin D3 is So Important

July 3rd, 2019|Comments Off on Why Vitamin D3 is So Important

Vitamin D3 is a precursor to several different processes occurring in our bodies on a regular basis and is an imperative building block to overall longevity.

Summer Athlete Performance Program

June 19th, 2019|Comments Off on Summer Athlete Performance Program

This Summer Elite Personal Fitness is offering a one-of-a-kind Athlete Performance Program to help athletes increase speed and strength.

Coffee with John [Episode 22]

June 7th, 2019|Comments Off on Coffee with John [Episode 22]

This Spring we teamed up with Wegman's for 10 weeks to help with their "Feel Your Best" program.

Supplements…Who We Trust

June 7th, 2019|Comments Off on Supplements…Who We Trust

We get questions all the time about supplements. Should I be taking them? How much? From what companies?

Knowledge is power. Get strength in your inbox.

(We do not share your data with anybody, and only use it for its intended purpose)